HELP Re: Submission Deadline
A Y R T O N - VR 2005-Mar-30 23:31:00
Sorry I need some help again
On the last one, in Decembre I did not participate
So now I don't know HOW to register myself and How to send my movie
It's almost ready and I have to leave for a shootig job in 40 minutes
and I can not find out what to do
Any info ...
I could not find it at the wwp page...
Landis Bennett wrote:
>The WWP Marketplace is shaping up quite well. We now have 175
>entries that are fully ready to go and at least another 20 that
>are currently being worked on.
>Please remember that the deadline for submitting your WWP
>contribution is tomorrow, 30 March 2005 (23:59 PST). Please
>check your page and make sure that everything looks the way that
>you want and it's working properly. Also please consider adding
>a caption if you don't have one.
>If you edit your entry at all you will be taken off of the
>indexes temporarily until we check it and make sure everything we
>need is there (QTVR/Title/Geographic Location/Geographic
>Coordinates). Don't let this stop you, please feel free to edit
>your page through tomorrow's deadline.
>Markus has added a very useful 'stoplight' system at the top of
>your editing page. If something vital is missing, you'll see a
>red box at the top of your edit page letting you know what it is.
>(replace 'YourUserName' with your WWP Server User Name)
>Your edit page:
>Your preview page:
>As always, any general questions to this list and specific
>questions can be referred to the admins at
>The World-Wide Panorama
>For more information:
>-Visit the web site at http://GeoImages.Berkeley.edu/wwp.html
>Yahoo! Groups Links