Re: Logotypes
Jakob Norstedt-Moberg 2005-Jul-05 16:33:00
I knew I should have found it if I wasn't so bad at searching.
--- In #removed#, Landis <#removed#> wrote:
> >I may be a lousy searcher, but are there no logotypes of the small
> >kind 100x75 pixels) for the summer solstice event? I would need
> >for my site. I could pick a part of the wide banner myself, but
it is
> >jpg and the previous badges where gif:s.
> >
> >Jakob
> You could steal one of these off of any individual page. Such as:
> http://geoimages.berkeley.edu/wwp605/html/JakobNorstedtMoberg.html
> It's still a gif and it's separate from the WWP logo.
> -Landis