R: Re: Pano Power
giancarlo 2005-Aug-20 23:00:00
Caro Amico Toni.....
Non lo sapevi già che noi poliziotti, spesso
lavoriamo, "aggratis"?
(WWP community must excuse the italian
language, it's no possible to translate in a correct way......it's only
a joke, I am a Police Inspector...)
Da: #removed#
Data: 21-ago-2005 12.58
Ogg: Re: Pano Power
This remember me a
story that happened the day after the explosion of
the Chernobyl
nuclear plant: a photographer friend and me went to
take some photos
to a nuclear plant near Rome, we didn't had any
commissions, but we
were sure that some magazine would buy the
photos. All the area of
the plant was limited by high fences, so we
were walking around to
find a good place and take some shots with a
400mm telephoto lens. A
police car saw us and we where arrested and
took to the nearest
police office. We explain them that we were
working for a newspaper,
we gave them the name and number of a
journalist that was working
there, police called, the journalist (a
friend) said that was true,
we were working for the newspaper, but
that was not enough. The
police chief said that they had to
confiscate all the material. We
cried that this was against the press
rights, that we had to work to
maintain our families (my first son
was born just some weeks before),
so police chief explained us that
they had to see if the photos were
revealing secrets(?!) or not. So
he said to give him all the rolls
(black & white). After one hour a
policeman came back with the rolls
perfectly developed. The police
chief saw our shots (all views of the
plant where taken from about
one km of distance...) and after
remember us that photographing a
nuclear plant is forbidden by the
law, he let us free, and gave back
all the developed rolls. We where
so happy! Police worked for us for
> From: Bostjan
Burger <#removed#>
> Subject: Re: Pano Power
> It sounds
like when I was traveling across Soviet Union 20. years
> ago. Taking
photos was a challenge and not to be arrested as a
> spy...he...
sometimes I lost some rolls of film but with luck never
> a camera.
My friend was on the Borland symposium in LA recenty and
> he also
visited a Hoover dam [ http://www.vthawaii.com/LAS%20VEGAS/
HooverDam3.htm ]. He wanted to take some photos of the dam but he
seemed to be suspicious and had troubles with the security at the
dam ... his bad luck.
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