Re: press
Carl von Einem 2005-Oct-19 11:14:00
From: Willy Kaemena <#removed#>
> Very nice Carl,
> but to promote more the WWP I would have used the link of your WWP
> page <http://geoimages.berkeley.edu/wwp905/html/CarlvonEinem.html>
> and the aternative java to your site...
Yes I know, but I'm not the editor, so the chances are low to force them
to do what I like best. I can only send them links and some
'instructions' (what I did). Believe me: 'worldwidepanorama.com' has
been mentioned several times in the interview and during last weekends
radio show. What I will do is put a wwp energy banner on my pages and
link to the wwp.