World Wide Panorama mailing list archive
Date/Time:2005-Nov-11 04:04:00
Subject:An alternative web panorama tool

Thread: An alternative web panorama tool burrahobbitau 2005-Nov-11 04:04:00

A more palatable version of this page with live links is at:

For producing multiresolution panoramas in VRML and X3D usig the Rez
program.  All open source.

Example multiresolution panoramas

You will need a VRML/X3D browser installed before going to the urls of
examples bellow.  Download and install BS contact 6.1,  blaxxun
contact 5.1,   Cortona, xj3d, FreeWrl, or CosmoPlayer. 

Examples.  Note it may take a little while for the initial files to
download and display.
The following are example 360 degree VRML panoramas of a Vireya
Rhododendron plant nursery:

Some earth panoramas:

The code and data to generate these examples can be found on under the latest file
resleases section: panoramas.  This package will look like this::

panoramas [show only this package]
    Release Notes 360 panoramas [show only this release]	2005-11-10 19:07
    Download	8200272 	0	Any	.zip
    Download	8108932 	0	Any	.zip
    Release Notes earth sphere panorama [show only this release]
2005-11-10 18:59
    Download	6957671 	0	Any	.zip
    Release Notes image slice examples [show only this release]
2005-11-10 18:49
    Download	38012247 	0	Any	.zip
    Release Notes Flat panoramas [show only this release]	2005-11-10 02:02
    Download	4506565 	0	Any	.zip
Steps for creating VRML panoramas
Note: the process of producing these panoramas use two forms of input:
images in an "images" directory and a source geometry grid (names
pano.wrl in the examples).  I refer to these in the following steps. 
An important thing to note is that you can rename the source geometry
grid anything but its name must match the name of the source image.

   1. Get a source image, e.g. by using PanoTools.
   2. Decide on what kind of panorama you need: spherical, 360
"cylindrical", flat.  Choose the appropriate example from the above as
a guide.
   3. Using the example, create your own copy of the entire directory
and modify as in the following steps:
   4. Firstly, modify the .bat file to generate the images you need. 
Note: the Flat example uses a quadtree, the others use a binary tree
for input.  The image examples show how to generate each.  You need to
modify the image file path in the image slice .bat file.
   5. Change the name of your image to the same name as the source
grid (e.g. "pano" for source grid pano.wrl).
   6. Slice the images.
   7. Copy the images directory to the directory of the panorama example.
   8. Modify the panorama example config.txt file.  You normally only
have to change name of the source grid - if you have renamed it from
   9. Run the .bat file to generate the panorama.  It generates output
to a "tiles" directory.  It also creates a Display.wrl file in the
"pano" subdirectory.  For the flat panoramas, you can load Display.wrl
into your web browser (with its pre-installed web3d browser) and you
are in business.  For the others there is a predefined Display file
that you should use (ignore the generated "Display.wrl").
  10. These files are then ready to be loaded onto a server and used
over the web.
  11. Have Fun :) !

Note there are many parameters to Rez and the image slicer, these are
described in detail at

360 Panoramas
The 360 panoramas show how to generate panoramas that wrap around the
viewpoint 360 degrees, in a kind of curved cylinder,  that is not a
full sphere.  The -cpv version adds colour-per-vertext so that when
the level of detail changes the background does not change to white,
but a low resolution version of the image.

Earth sphere panorama
An example of a fully spherical panorama. I used an image of the earth
for this one, because I had it lying around.

Image slice examples
All panorama generation rely on images generated by the image slicer
(see the "image slice examples" release.  A source image is subdivided
into a multiresolution tree and these images are tiled onto the
surface of the wrap-around pano.  As you move toward part of the pano
it increases detail by replacing tiles with higher detail ones.



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