Autorotate and new QTVR file not showing up in live preview
bobster1188 2005-Dec-26 18:32:00
I'm surprised to see the strong reactions to Autorotate feature in some QTVRs. It has never
bothered me and I have never used it in any of my WWP projects, until now that it has
become controversial. I agree with Patrick that some people have no idea what to do with a
QTVR. My siblings for example, one of whom only used the zoom feature of the QTVR until I
visited him and upon showing him my latest QTVR on his PC "discovered" that they rotated. I
often include slide shows with my QTVRs <<http://geoimages.berkeley.edu/wwp904/html/
BobShindel.html>> and usually it makes no difference to me whether the viewer goes in a
clockwise or counter clockwise direction. With this QTVR I tell a story that progresses in a
liner fashion and I want the viewer to scan the QTVR in the clockwise direction so I included
the Autorotate feature. I can also see where the author would feel strongly that the viewer
scan their QTVR in a certain direction and would thus include the feature.
I'm puzzled by why replacing my old QTVR file with a new one is not showing up in live
preview. I gave the replacement file a different file name, deleted the old file first, uploaded
the new file, and still the old QTVR file shows up in the live preview. Am I doing something
wrong? Not waiting long enough for the server to make the change? All changes that I make
in the text show up immediately, why doesn't the replacement QTVR file show up?