Re: Why is my 360 not listed in wwp1205?
Markus Altendorff 2006-Jan-01 13:19:00
centreofengland wrote:
> Hi, Happy new year from england!
> I was thrilled to see that the best of 2005 is now ready to view
> BUT.... my entry is not listed why?
> It was submitted in time.
> Also if I go to the preperation server and click edit I can see it
> listed alphabetically between the entry by Jon Stabell Sauge and David
> Schaubert and those two are available in the completed event.
> Does anyone know why?
> Anyone else not able to see their entry?
i won't be able to explain why a specific entry does or does
not show (just being the WWP techie ;) , but i'll try to
offer some "general explanation" as to the usual causes.
The reason you're seeing no unapproved entries is that the
geoimages.berkeley.edu server has actually nothing to do
with our preparation server. A static version (which has
steadily grown to a happy bunch of gigabytes distributed
among some 30.000 individual files) of all approved content
at a given time is simply copied from Equinox (the little
server you're working on) to a hard disc that is carried
over to the main server and copied onto that server to be
accessible to the public.
Usually, entries remain unapproved because some data is
missing or (in case of files) found to be broken or has
other problems (e.g. misaddressed hotspots in the QTVRs),
and Don or Landis need to get back to the individual
photographer to ask for additional information, or a
re-edit. This usually doesn't happen through the list - no
need to clutter all member's inboxes with embarassing ;)
messages like "To: <someone> - looks like your hotspot links
are broken" or "the image track for the logo overlay is
missing - did you save 'self-contained'?" or "your
autorotate sprite spins like mad, is this intended?" or
"Sure your GPS marker should float in mid-atlantic?" or "You
did read the announcement that we asked to absolutely
provide <some-feature> this time?" - i guess you all get the
idea ... ;)
With the short time between being able to check the data,
the large amount of entries (which is great, i'm certainly
NOT complaining about that ;) and the actual publishing
time, it might not be feasible to complete all this for all
entries by the publishing deadline, so - i'm afraid to say
"usually", but things like that tend to be unavoidable,
since we're all no robots... [though my shoulder tends to
make creaky noises if i move it in a funny way ;) ] - there
are a few are missing for the first edition.
For this WWP, i guess some entries are also missing due to
Don's unexpected troubles on new year's eve (see his earlier
postings) and the extra short timeframe to get the first
edition of wwp1205 online despite all that (9 in the morning
on Saturday, Berkeley time, the prep server was closed, and
the result was online just before midnight). Might have
worked out better if New Year's eve wasn't right in the
middle of the weekend...
I guess (with both Don and Landis most likely not being
online right now - it's now 14:20 CET but 05:20 in Berkeley
on New Year, with rain, storms, Landis presumably still in a
car and Don and family hopefully OK with their electricity
back on...) those with non-approved entries will get some
individual mail sooner or later and the chance to fix
whatever problems might have caused the non-approval.
Best wishes to Don and Landis, and of course to all others
on the list, too!
Have a Happy New Year!
P.S.: No, i've not been drinking when i wrote all that - i'm
just suffering from a hyperactive ranting gland and New
Year's time lag ;)