Editing and Approval
Landis 2006-Mar-25 17:07:00
Once again we have some really amazing contributions! Thank you to
everyone for participating. And with around 5 more days left to
edit, I expect we'll still see many more.
I've just finished catching up. Everyone who's asked for approval
has either been approved, or otherwise contacted. Approval isn't
something based on our aesthetics or whether you followed my
interpretation of the theme. We're basically looking to make sure
that the contribution has all of the necessary information and doing
some minor edits for consistency with the rest of the site.
If you are done editing your contribution, please let us know by
'asking for approval'. In the panorama display box, the big gray box
where you upload your QTVR files, there's a line near the bottom that
reads: 'Declare this entry complete and ask for approval'. If you
click that it will tell us that you're done and we should look it
over. The earlier you do that, the easier it is for us to do any
final edits and get the site ready in time.
If you get approved and change your mind later, that's fine, just go
back and edit and then ask for approval again.
Also, please provide a caption (in English, but other languages are
also very welcome and encouraged). The more text that we have, the
better coverage we'll get in search engines, and the more people will
know about the WWP.