WWP Equipment Stats
Tim Hatch 2006-Dec-31 13:25:00
I spent yesterday compiling (or rather making a script to compile for
me) numbers on what equipment people use. Since it was a script, I
thought "why not?" and ran it against all previous events too.
The most interesting datapoint that I noticed is that the Sigma 8mm
is _falling_ and the Nikkor 10.5mm (especially on Canon bodies) is
rising and has overtaken it!. They were roughly even in June and
September. I also notice that lens ring mounts are really catching
on, and that no two people call the 360precision head the same thing.
In the future I'll try to get some graphs going for popular cameras/
lenses over time, develop this into an "upgrade guide" so you can see
what your most likely next purchase would be from a given camera/lens
combo :)
The URL is http://timhatch.com/projects/wwp-equipment/ and you can
download csv files of my raw data if you're interested in doing
further analysis.
As in previous events, let me know any errors and I'll endeavor to
fix them. I've likely got some rotators listed as tripods, and vice