Re: time panorama
Jim Watters 2007-Jun-22 00:09:00
Aykut Erdogdu wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I would like to shoot a time panorama or a season panorama. Can anyone advise me how to do this? Because in my first trial, I placed my tripod onto the same exact location. I visited the same place and re-place my tripod in the same exact location everytime. However I could not manage to stitch the shots I have taken. (I am using Ptgui) because of the different series of photos taken during the day the program could not manage to stitch all the photos together. Or do I have to make it by photoshop manually? Please kindly advise me.
> Thanks to everyone a lot in advance.
> Aykut.
I have shot a panorama of my backyard just about every day last summer.
What I did when stitching was start with the first set. Stitched it. I
extracted a cylinder panorama that I manually set points between it and
all other sets. I would not include the cylinder image in each set by
unchecking it before stitching. The stitching is no where near
complete. I am not currently motivated to finish it while there is no
decent full spherical movie viewer. Being able to pan around and zoom
while watching the time lapse is the whole point of my project.
A time and effort stitching this way, would easily be countered with the
purchase of a precision pan head that could be scripted. The exact
position of the camera and the starting position would have to be the
same each time.
If you have a series of well stitched images then it would be a matter
of leveling them all together. Might try keeping up to three panos in
memory. Always leveling against the 1st image to keep errors going in
one direction from creeping in. and level against the previous one so
it does not jump around too much. Only optimize the last image. Stitch
as individual images with only one image checked.
Load image 1 - level - save 1 - keep open
Load image 2 - level against 1 - save 2, - keep open
Load image 3 - level against 1&2 - save 3 - close 2
Load image 4 - level against 1&3 - save 4 - close 3
Best of luck.
Jim Watters
Yahoo ID: j1vvy ymsgr:sendIM?j1vvy
jwatters @ photocreations . ca