the return of the sun
Russell Martin 2004-Dec-21 08:11:00
To my friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues and acquaintances:
I find this message particularly apt at the conclusion of a year during
which I have discovered more about my European roots than I learned in all
of my 46 preceding years.
I invite you to visit this fascinating and thought-provoking web site on
this, my favorite astronomical event, the winter
solstice: http://www.candlegrove.com/solstice.html, and join with me in
welcoming the return of the sun.
I wish you all peace, prosperity, mindfulness, patience, tolerance, wisdom
and good health in the coming year!
Slainte an Bradan ("Health of the Salmon") -
an Irish toast & profound double-entendre here in the Pacific Northwest
Russell Martin
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]