letter from Mr Lintermann 5_6_08
Larry Cassis 2008-Jun-06 11:34:00
Hello All...
I am one who has (tried) to follow all the thread(s)/tangents/rants on
this "situation" since it started. It has been hard to keep up with &
certainly interesting to read/respect others varying views. Kathy W
writes & points out that an apology would be an "admission of
guilt"... well I just received this msg from Mr. Lintermann (quoted
below)... and can't hep wonder if this can be taken as a form of
"apology"? I'd like to know how many others have received this email
and what would be others interpretation.
& BTW.. I sincerely thank all those individual for their efforts and
steady calm negotiations on my/our behalf.
Respectful Regards from the coast of Maine USA
Larry C
On Jun 6, 2008, at 7:11 AM, Bernd Lintermann wrote:
> Dear Madam/ Sir,
> we sincerely regret that our Globorama project has led to
> irritations and -in part- to very impetuous reactions within the
> community. We, who were working on this project, acted on the
> assumption that we were authorized to use these works based on ?52
> of the German copyright law, which permits the non-commercial use of
> works without the expressed prior consent of the artist.
> Due to the objections the ZKM has received, the use of the images
> has been stopped immediately. Out of respect for you as artists we
> have since then not shown and will not show any of your images
> without your explicit permission.
> At this time, we are processing all the inquiries we have received
> and we will make every effort to find a feasible solution for all
> parties involved. We are currently preparing replies to all the
> artists, who have contacted us so far.
> We are happy about the constructive suggestions of Mr. Yuval Levy to
> find a sustainable solution, which hopefully serves all interests.
> It also has been suggested to initiate a joint project. We are
> currently investigating some ideas and will put them up for
> discussion in the near future. Because of the complexity of the
> issue it will take some more time. We hope that this makes the
> situation at this point more transparent for you and apologize for
> any delays.
> Sincerely,
> Bernd Lintermann
On Jun 6, 2008, at 4:33 AM, #removed# wrote:
> On 06/06/2008, at 8:31 AM, Josh wrote:
> > I tried to suggest a solution: not sending invoices but claiming an
> > apology. You could ask ZKM to put it on their site and you can put
> it
> > on the WWP site. What is 'selfish' about this suggestion?
> An apology would be an admission of guilt. ZKM will not/could not
> afford to do that as it could be taken by individuals straight to
> court for a guaranteed win. We are trying to resolve this issue for
> the entire WWP (and ZKM) without having to go that route. Please
> allow the negotiations a chance.
> Regards,
> KathyW.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]