Re: "Remaining time" display added, it says less than two hours remaining :)
Caroling Geary 2008-Dec-31 16:33:00
So by the time I looked, it reads:
"Upcoming or active timeframes:
No upcoming or active timeframes defined."
Love those undefined timeframes.
Thanks, YA
On Dec 31, 2008, at 8:13 AM, Yahoo Account wrote:
> I've tinkered with the login page:
> http://contribute.worldwidepanorama.org/gen/
> At the bottom of the table is a new display, currently in text form
> only, with the start and remaining time.
> It's just a first step, of course.
> Currently, it reads: "TF 5 (Best Of 2008) started 13 days, 6 hours
> ago and ends in 1 hour, 51 mins."
Caroling Geary, www.wholeo.net