Q1 2016 event: Hours from the equinox, 11 days from end of first uploading phase.
panoramas_de 2016-Mar-19 22:50:00
The equinox approaches, as does the end of uploading for our ?Travel? theme!
If you?re intent on taking a panorama on the exact moment of the equinox, this year?s first one happens in a few hours on Sunday, March 20, at 04:30 UTC. If you intend to participate in the current event, remember that any theme-related panorama taken from January 1st through March 31st is eligible. We?ll have a ?Late Edit? phase, too, after the initial (?first edition?) upload closes at the end of March 31st.
What we don?t have yet is a new website for editing, but I?m working on that as well (might take some more weeks, though, because it?s basically a complete rewrite)
Happy pano-taking!