Best of 2022 is live...
Erik Krause 2023-Jan-01 13:14:23
I just published the "Best of 2022" event. Lot's of nice and interesting
panoramas: https://worldwidepanorama.org/
Late edit is also open. If you couldn't finish your contribution or
didn't find time to upload, you can still do so until the end of January.
And the next event with the theme "Tall" (as per poll here and on
facebook) is also open for contribution. Essay will follow, but you get
the idea...
Have fun and spread the idea!
Erik Krause
WWP Admin
View/Reply Online (#115): https://groups.io/g/wwp/message/115
The World-Wide Panorama
For more information:
-Visit the web site at http://worldwidepanorama.org