Visitor Stats
Landis 2005-Apr-14 01:45:00
I'll try to remember to do this at least once a month, but with
Apple's link the other day we got a lot of traffic. The last weeks
log was 340 MB alone!
Server stats for 30 March 2005 - 13 April 2005
These stats are for the whole server (http://geoimages.berkeley.edu)
but the WWP is definitely the most popular item on the server.
Peak of 19,859 visits on 04/08/05
Visits 100,642 total 7,168 avg/day
Total Hits 1,284,505 total 91,489 avg/day
Page Hits 516,102 total 36,759 avg/day
Bytes transferred 95,024 M total 6,768.2 M avg/day
Most popular referring domains:
Google 17% 3.9 avg steps (how many pages people check out)
Apple 8% 12.7 avg steps
Berkeley 7% 5.9 avg steps
Freep.com 5% 9.1 avg steps
Windows XP 60.90%
Macintosh PPC 17.83%
Windows 2000 10.11%
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x 64.84%
Safari 125.x 10.42%
Mozilla Firefox 1.x 9.50%
Pages per Visit 5.1
Hits per Visit 13.8
Bytes per Visit 966.84K
Duration of Visit 6:25
Time between Visits 20:01:09
Visits per Host 2.0