Re: Why no in-line images
Markus Altendorff 2005-Jun-29 17:46:00
tobyport_com wrote:
> This possibly was already covered in the last event's mailings but
> memory fades quickly. I note that during the Marketplace event during
> uploads people had links to in-line images (hosted elsewhere) in their
> descriptive text. I note that they never made it to the final versions
> and now the comments for adding descriptive text say 'no in-line
> images'. Just curious as to why that is?!?
Well, a few things came together:
First, we moved from HTML since checking the pages is much
more work if there's the HTML syntax to check, too (as
compared to just looking for the text itself), and there's
lots of things that can and will go wrong with HTML (we had
complete pages pasted into text fields, very wide tables and
lots of other stuff that's hard to find and to clean up).
Second, depending on the look of the images, some pages may
seem more like a collection of banner ads than an original
WWP page.
Third, the problem with inline images on other servers is
that this other server must be available, and the image must
still be there. This will eventually turn into quite a lot
of "broken link" icons over time - or we may see images that
weren't there when the page was originally looked at :)
Fourth, having the browser redirect to another server may
annoy some users.
That about sums it up, i guess... i've been thinking about
an "upload images" option so that no external links are
necessary, but the final word on this isn't out yet (esp.
since "someone" has got to write the code for it... maybe
next time, maybe never...)
On another note: We've just moved past wwp304 (Original),
wwp604 (World Heritage) and wwp904 (Bridges) for the number
of panoramas: 190 entries were registered! (ok, so 18 of
those are as of now still file-less, but that may change :)
Now if all those that still have "Untitled" in the title
could also do something about that *hint,hint* ;)