Why I like the WWP
bryant_arnett 2005-Jul-11 20:05:00
There are a bunch of reasons to like the WWP, but one of my favorite things is
the strong motivation it provides to get out there and shoot a VR picture.
Despite how busy I have been the past few weeks, I was glad to have a
reason to grab my camera and find some water. Thanks to Don, Landis and
Markus for their hard work in making this a reality. And thanks to all the
contributors for their vision and willingness to get their feet wet, literally, in this
growing new art form.
I think one of the things I like most about VR photography is the amazing
potential of the technology to expand over the next few years. I look forward to
ultra-high resolution images, and I am excited about the promise of video VR
photography. Also, I don't know if it's out there or not, but I would like to see
more stuff available on CD or DVD that exceeds the limitations of the Internet,
where end-user bandwidth isn't a factor when generating the final image. Of
course, the ability to share this new art form so easily over the Internet is at the
heart of what inspires me with each new VR image I see. It has made me look
at the world a little differently. I'm glad to be a part of the World Wide