Re: fc-e9 CA correction
Jim Watters 2005-Sep-14 23:14:00
wbr_venlo wrote:
>I recently CA corrected my Nikon fc-e9 and published it here:
Brilliant. Your results are perfect.
The hardest part is still step 1, coming up with the various shift
values at the different radius.
I see that Eric has also updated PTShift. http://www.pinlady.net/vr/#anchor2
I will test this too.
I see that my original tutorial is becoming completely obsolete. :-)
I was thinking you used vertical shift because it would be faster but a
quick test showed me it was the same speed as radial shift.
Vertical shift will not work for full frame fisheye to make sure the
image is corrected in the corners.
Great work. I see I have much to learn about Excel and graphing. I
will take some images through your steps and let you know what happens.
Jim Watters
Graphic Software Developer