Re: My planned submission with a wavy horizon
Bernhard Vogl 2005-Sep-26 12:30:00
Thanks Sacha - that's what i feared :-\
I have to invest some more time to see if a straighter horizon is even
possible...In the worst case i have to pick another one, although i like
the nearby castle. CA is something i normally don't care about. This
scenery let CA appear very disturbing and i will follow your suggestion to
minimize it.
Brooks: Yes, it is Salzkamemrgut again. Originally, i wanted to capture
this particular view for the "Water" WWP, but besides not having the
technical equipment at that time, you convinced me that the Ice Caves have
been more interesting... :-)
chintuchiks: The link is at the bottom of the message. If you can't click
it directly, you will have to cut and paste it in your webbrowser.
Best regards
> --- Urspr?ngliche Nachricht ---
> Von: "Sacha Griffin" <#removed#>
> The horizon is kinda wibly, and there's a bad stitch on it at one part.
> I'd rework and and blend it back in with the boat which seems to be
> stitched perfect. The only other advise, would be to fix the CA.. its
> pretty strong. I like the sound. Too bad, I forgot my batts for my mini-
> disc.
> > Here is the pre-stitch for my planned WWP submission.
> > Shall i rework the image for a better horizon? Any feedback would be
> > appreciated.
> >
> > http://dativ.at/temp/gisela12_hd.html