Re: R: Re: Wpp - update
Markus Altendorff 2006-Mar-30 09:03:00
Quoted from #removed#:
> Ciao, staff,
> I have uploaded some info and today...all was locked!
> I
> agree with Hans... "I have not seen any warning about Time out here.
> I
> actually thought we had today yo edit"!
> ...and now?
i guess this is the whole timezone problem yet again...
OK, this may cause me trouble down the road, but - assuming that Don and Landis
won't be starting with the final preparations until 8 a.m. Berkeley time, i've moved
the lock limit to that point, which gives us Europeans another seven hours. Use it
wisely ;)
Also, i've moved the "remaining time" display back from the "Details..." pop-up into
plain view. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused, was just trying to clean
up a little bit ;)