Re: accesories for canon
Bjørn K Nilssen 2006-Apr-20 06:19:00
On 19 Apr 2006 at 11:19, Breno Nonato Christol wrote:
> Hi, someone
> I use a Canon Powershot G5 with Canon?s 58 mm adapter for wide angle and
> Raynox 185Pro fisheye lens
I'm also using that 185Pro lens on my Olympus C-7070WZ, and I'm very satisfied
with it. However, you don't need a fisheye to start making panos, it just makes
things faster and easier because you can easily make a full pano from as little
as 4 photos, or even less. Before I got that lens I used the 0.7x wide
converter from Olympus, which gave me from 18mm (eqv) focal length. Then I
needed 16 or more photos for a full pano. I even tried with much longer focals,
but then I ended up with a 150MPix pano!.
You would also need a tripod/monopod (or virtual tripod) and eventually a
panohead. So far I'm getting good results with a very cheap little monopod with
a lttle level mounted on it so that it levels when the pod is slanted slightly
backwards - then the tip of the lens is right above the foot of the monopod.
Works fine as long as there are no objects too close to the lens.--
#removed# // Bj?rn K?re Nilssen http://bknilssen.no/
Kristiansand, Norway