Re: My garden - South Central Farm vigil
Nick Gordon 2006-Jun-27 13:39:00
Only to be played with music of Ray Cooder, Chavez Ravine, a song like
Muy Fifí on the background :-)
Op 26-jun-06 om 21:10 heeft Roger Howard het volgende geschreven:
> I had posted earlier about the South Central Farm in Los Angeles - the
> largest urban farm in the United States. Two weeks ago it was served
> an eviction notice after a protracted legal battle and years of
> uncertainty regarding the land the farm sits on. This farm is composed
> of approx. 300 plots covering 14 acres of land in an otherwise
> blighted and miserable part of Los Angeles, surrounded by dirty
> streets, housing projects and trucking and rail warehouses. The land
> was tended primarily by a mix of South American, Asian American, and
> African American families from the area and it was a monument to
> nature and life standing in a prior war zone of racial tension and
> poverty.
> After the raid no one was able to re-enter the farm, however there
> has been a non-stop vigil at the site, at least until a court hearing
> in mid-July. The vigil started as an informal gathering each night and
> is now a 24/7 camp outside the perimeter fence. As a result, of course
> I'm not able to get in to the site itself, but I felt the story was
> now really on the outside so I chose to depict that scene.
> The following pano is one I've selected for the moment from a series
> done within the vigil camp.
> <http://gallery.rogerroger.org/v/places/scfarm/
> 20060623scfarm02.mov.html>
> I also shot several from the roof of my truck, on the end of a
> monopod, to give me the highest vantage and widest view of the farm
> possible, but I felt while interesting they lacked the punch of the
> more intimate scenes from the camp.
> If interested in the scale and scope of the farm, Google Earth has a
> great view. The coordinates are:
> 34° 0'32.02"N
> 118°14'28.21"W
> I'd appreciate any feedback on this pano before making my final
> submission.
> Best,
> Roger Howard
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