Information About the Next Shoot
G. Donald Bain 2004-Jun-11 01:03:00
I just finished updating the various web pages with full information
about the next World Wide Panorama shoot. Follow the link on the
YahooGroups-wwp home page, to go to:
As mentioned earlier, the theme this time is World Heritage, and we are
coordinating with Tito Dupret's World Heritage Tour. The full screen
panoramas we produce will be showcased on Marco Trezinni/Hans Nyberg's
FullScreenQTVR site.
I am looking forward to another great event -- I will be making a
weekend trip to Redwood National Park, one of the two official UNESCO
sites in California (the other is Yosemite, a tough choice for me).
There is just over a week to go, so we need to get the word out. E-mail
anyone you think might be interested, and post to any mailing lists you
think might be appropriate. Refer them to
http://geoimages.berkeley.edu/wwp.html for full information.
G. Donald Bain
Director, Geography Computing Facility
University of California, Berkeley