Re: Re:off thread
G. Donald Bain 2006-Jul-06 21:05:00
On Jul 6, 2006, at 10:17 AM, de gava wrote:
> Don ok let's look at it as dream analysis, it must be about...SEX
The fact that it wasn't shows how sick I really was.
> It is often better to get a warning shot
Very true, people keep saying this to me.
> Angina what?
Ludwigs angina. An infection of the soft tissues under the tongue.
Before antibiotics it was a real killer, people would just suffocate
from the swelling. It still sometimes takes a tracheotomy (cutting a
hole in your throat below the blockage) to restore breathing. Now
treated effectively with multiple antibiotics, but sometimes drain
tubes are necessary. Apparently I have about two more weeks of
swelling and pain.
The infecting organisms are the same ones that live under your gums
and in infected tooth roots. It is possible that this originated
with a routine cleaning I had in May, or it might be a yet undetected
dental problem. I have already made a series of appointments with my
> and morphine makes some hallucinate or dream vividly
The weirdest delusion of all was when the Grim Reaper came in,
wearing a white hat, and took my picture. Now that was scary.