World Wide Bike Ride
Jim Arthur 2004-Jun-18 03:51:00
Some time ago Robert C. Fisher had suggested another
panorama opportunity as a joke:
> I just got this from another mail group.
> http://worldnakedbikeride.org/
> Could be another interesting panorama opportunity!
> Cheers
> Robert C. Fisher
> QTVR Photography/Cinematography
> www.rcfisher.com
It turns out that one was scheduled in Chicago to coincide with
others around the world for June 12. I laughed at first when
Robert Fisher posted it, but after reading the literature about it,
thought it might be a good opportunity for some interesting street
photography. The ride was supposed to protest world
dependence on oil. It was like the first Woodstock without the
drugs or music - kind of a protest and celebration at the same
time. The police shut down their initial starting point, so they had
to change their meeting place at the last minute. 250 people
showed up for the ride in all stages of dress, bodypaint and
costume. Unkonwn to me, a friend of mine, who was at a
wedding that evening, had arranged with the organizers to ride
by the wedding as a salute to the bride and groom. They rode by
one policewoman who was coming out of a small corner
grocery, and she just boke up laughing. All in all, it was quite an
experience. I will probably not be able to get them to ride by a
World Heritage Site this weekend, though.
Jim Arthur