boats and feet
bruce_hemming 2006-Aug-17 06:40:00
Two transportation themed panos <http://vrm.vrway.com/issue26/
SAILING_THE_TOBAGO_CAYS.html> and <http://www.bhphoto.biz/test/cropover.html>
Stitching of both took a bit of photoshop work to clean them up, the movement of the
boat obviously throwing things off at the seams and those dancers just wouldn't keep still!
There are still a couple of dirty seams but it does convey the occaison pretty well. This
was shot at about 9.30am and those guys were still on their feet and dancing when they
reached the end of the road march miles away down at the beach. Pretty impressive form
of transportation to keep going for nearly nine hours in temperatures hot enough to make
the grease run out of my 360P head!
Bruce Hemming