Jim Arthur 2004-Jun-20 16:21:00
I shot buildings in Chicago that were on the list...the Marquette
building (this is an anniversary year for Marquette), the Rookery,
the grand entrance to the Auditorium theatre (that only the upper
class used), and the Carson Pirie Scott building (from across
the street). The Rookery (Frank Lloyd Wright) would not allow
tripods so I checked in my big tripod with the guard and then
once I was inside the Rookery, pulled out my tabletop tripod that
was in my bag but it wasn't very stable and I was a little worried
about the guard coming in. You used to be able to go under the
famous spiral staircase and shoot (many photographs are taken
from there) but it is cordoned off from visitors now. I have a really
old vr of the spiral staircase from 1996 looking up (what we used
to call a vertical - where the vr would rotate vertically). The
Artchitectural Foundation was conducting tours and every
building I went to, the same tour came in just a few minutes after
I was set up. After the third time it happened we were all smiling
and waving. I found out a few additional interesting facts about
the buildings too. I'm kind of leaning toward Marquette because
of the anniversary.