Transportation Ideas
Landis Bennett 2006-Sep-01 20:38:00
Well, it's taken a little while, but I've finally managed to put
together a short essay giving some thoughts and ideas on the upcoming
WWP Transportation. Please feel free to share any other ideas you
might have and let's get the chatter about this next event going. I
know I'm excited and have several different plans in mind. Now to
figure out which one would be best.... Less than a month to go!
The English word transportation derives from the Latin 'trans-'
meaning 'across', 'beyond', or 'through' and 'portare' meaning 'to
carry'. It is defined as 'a system or means of conveying people or
goods from place to place'.
The theme can be applied to so much more than just the obvious
automobiles, airplanes, and trains. Anything that moves from one
place to another has been transported. A person's own two feet are a
form of transportation. A power line transports energy from one
place to another the way a river transports not only water but also
Some of the more obvious subjects also can be excellent panoramic
themes. Most people have been on a commercial jetliner, but many
have never seen the cockpit or perhaps the first class cabin. A
train may be a normal form of transportation where you are, but a
sleeping car may be something that others of us have only seen in
movies. Ferries, hovercrafts, spacecraft, small SMART cars, large
Hummers, motorcycles, the cab of a big rig, an object movie of a
Segway, running shoes, pit row of a NASCAR event, the inside of a
huge recreational vehicle - just a couple of ideas. But don't rule
out some of the less obvious connections to the theme. Not the
actual form of transportation, but the medium that makes it
possible. Roads, bridges, waterways, train tracks, train stations,
airports, harbors, ports, even parking lots. Also the things that
make transportation possible: auto dealerships, oil refineries, gas
stations, even oil derricks.
A panorama is also a form of transportation, even if virtually, it
takes the viewer to another place and allows them to steer their
attention where they want to.
Almost any panorama can be connected to transportation somehow, but
we're asking you to try to tell a story with your choice and connect
it to the theme. Be as literal or creative as you want. And please
provide us with at least a bit of a caption describing why you chose
the subject you did and how you feel it connects to the theme of
transportation. Remember, without transportation everything stops.