Re: international no car day!
Pajuaba Gmail 2006-Sep-22 11:55:00
Just the same as here in Curitiba, Brazil; they closed a part of a
not-so-busy street, only as a symbol of the day
<http://www.curitiba.pr.gov.br/Noticia.aspx?n=6636> (portuguese only,
sorry). The Major House claims that the adhesion should be voluntary -
yeah, right! ;-)
Anyway, I?ll take a look at it, if it looks good, than I have my subject
;-) .
Rodolpho Pajuaba
Carlos Chegado - www.netlojas.biz escreveu:
> Yes, I was just looking but here where I live they closed only half of a
> street.
> http://www.cm-barreiro.pt/ficheiros/ficheirosassociados/PROGRAMA_DiaEuro...
> The blue line is the part close to traffic and the red dotted line is
> where the cars pass avoiding the no cars zone!!!
> This is ridiculous...
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Carlos Chegado