Re: 24 hours timelapse in a changing atmosphere...
Richard Crowest 2007-Mar-31 22:59:00
> > I think the navigation should be the other way round
> I am not sure I understand. It is the standard
> navigation of a VR object as created by Pano2QTVR. I
> have inverted the order of the frames to do
> <http://www.photopla.net/mado_fback.mov> but it comes
> across unnatural to me as I watch the sunset going
> into the afternoon, then the morning, sunrise and the
> night.
Look at almost any object movie, say this one:
or this, from the WWP:
As you click and drag across the object, the front of the object
moves in the same direction as the cursor. That's why the hand cursor
closes its fingers, to suggest that you're gripping the front of the
object and dragging it in that direction.
Now look at your original movie, treating the statue as the object
(which it effectively is, as it's in the centre of the camera's
rotation. It moves the opposite way.
Alternatively, ignore the statue and look at the background buildings
and trees as though they were a panorama. In a QTVR panorama,
dragging the mouse to the right pans the camera to the right, so the
scene appears to move to the left. Again, your original movie works
the opposite way. You're currently dragging the background, which is
outside the rotation circle of the camera, rather than the object in
the centre.
The "fback" movie works in a way that seems right to me, though I
think I can see what you mean about the apparent movement of the sun.
What's odd about both movies is that to achieve the same effect as
the auto-rotation, you'd have to drag right-to-left, which also feels
the wrong way round (to someone raised with a left-to-right writing
system, anyway!). It may all ultimately be a matter of personal
preference, but I certainly get a strong sense from the original
movie that it works in the opposite way to what I was expecting.
The old OS9 Apple tool I used when I made this relatively crude movie:
(many years ago), QTVR Edit Object, had an option to reverse the
controller to achieve what Pano2QTVR has given you, but the default
is definitely the other way round.
By the way, does anyone else who hasn't updated to QT 7.1.5 have
trouble viewing the object movies on Apple's, site, such as:
http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/gallery/qtvr17.html ?
I get a flash of the first frame of the movie, then it switches to a
logo telling me to download QuickTime. Not sure what's going on there.
While you're visiting Apple, though, check out some stunning geo
images from the BBC:
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