Re: wwp community
Rodolpho Pajuaba 2007-Apr-21 14:54:00
Being a little "criative"I believe it's already possible in Europe ;-) .
But certainly it's close to impossible here in Brazil, we are at most 6
Rodolpho Pajuaba
Landis wrote:
> At 1:18 PM +0200 4/21/07, Carl von Einem wrote:
>>I know this is a strange idea for the community event: what about
>>setting up a group of people who try to find locations for their
>>panoramas that will write a very big WWP on Google Earth's map?
> THAT would certainly be a heck of a community effort!
> Something like this:
> http://flightaware.com/live/flight/GLF17/history/20070206/1538Z/KATW/KAT...
> http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/02/07/0237225
> Or the old GPS Drawing site (I have no idea what happened to it):
> http://www.gpsdrawing.com/
> -Landis