Re: First Irish VR photography conference
Uri Cogan 2007-Apr-29 04:04:00
Peter O'Donnell wrote:
> Hi Folks
> I suppose you could call it the first Irish VR photography conference.
> I finally met up with Brian O'Reily a fellow panographer.
> A brief discussion about technique and the virtues of panography were
> discussed over a
> fantastic lunch, followed by a quick tour of Kinsale by Brian.
> http://www.ireland360.com/PANORAMA/Kinsale/Index.html
> <http://www.ireland360.com/PANORAMA/Kinsale/Index.html>
Regrettably, the panorama on that page did not display at all on Firefox, Mac OS 10.4.9
It did dislpay correctly in Opera 9.2.0, same platform.
Cheers, Uri.
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