Re: Berkeley.edu? What is this - Geoimages site as been hacked!
Landis 2007-Nov-02 22:38:00
At 23:27 +0100 11/2/2007, Erik Krause wrote:
>On Friday, November 02, 2007 at 20:53, beeloba wrote:
>> Hi Sacha? let me tell why i've found this? I was searching Beeloba on
>> google and all links leading to WWP where sending me on the
> > http://geogweb.berkeley.edu instead of usual address.
>> No alarm, just telling other users, what happened to me? they may
>> check by themselves if they are concerned.
>Apparently this is a mechanism to prevent the panos linked from any
>other domain but geoimages.berkely.edu
>However, geogweb seems to be a subdomain of berkely.edu which points
>to the same server folder. Apparently this wasn't taken into
You got it Erik. We had some questions/problems
with that a while back and Markus came up with a
great solution.
I don't remember seeing geogweb.berkeley.edu as
an alias for geoimages previously. Funny thing
is that I don't get the dummy qtvr file when I
view WWP pages with the geogweb subdomain.
Hopefully Markus and/or Don can help us out with this.
Don't worry, geoimages hasn't been hacked (this
time). It's a feature and not a bug. :)