Summit in Sedona
Landis 2004-Jul-06 17:49:00
Sorry this is a little off topic, but I think some of you might be
interested in the upcoming Summit in Sedona (see below for the
official info). I've been to the first two summits and I have to say
that while I usually learn something in the classes, the biggest
benefit of this type of gathering is meeting and hanging out with all
the attendees and presenters.
Note that these discounts apply to IQTVRA members, but it only costs
$75-100 to join and it will save you over $400 on this conference.
If you've got the time and resources to join us, you won't be
disappointed. I look forward to meeting some new friends and seeing
everyone again this fall in Sedona.
For those who have been waiting for another discount for the Summit
in Sedona, it has arrived. From June 23 to July 23, we are offering
the last pre-Summit discount.
Save as much as $150 ($845 discounted price) on the full 5-day
conference and workshop, and $75 ($600 discounted price) on the 3-day
conference. After July 23, the prices will go back up to $995 for
the full 5-day package and $675 for the 3-day conference. All
discounts apply to IQTVRA and IAPP members only. Non-members pay
$1,250 for the 5-day conference and workshops, and $850 for the 3-day
conference. All registrations must be paid for by July 23, 2004.
Special discount offer ends July 23, 2004.
We have posted the schedule for Sedona at
<http://www.lightspeedmedia.biz>, under the "sessions" menu. The
keynote speaker is Bob Goldstein, author of the upcoming book "GOING
VISUAL: The New Power of Images In Everyday Business." Bob will
present a preview of the game-changing conclusions that his two-year
research has uncovered. There is a phenomenal wave sweeping the
nation, an explosion in the use of digital cameras and camera-phones,
which is quickly changing the rules of communication. GOING VISUAL
examines how businesses are turning these everyday devices into
powerful business tools.
Other speakers include; Dennis Biela, Kay Christy, Bruce Cole, Tito
Dupret, Jim Galvin, Scott Highton, Aldo Hoben, Jook Leung, Brian
Mundy, Pat St. Clair, Lee Varis, and Cliff VanMeter. Sessions
include; VR 101, Photoshop tips and techniques, Stitcher insights,
fisheye photography techniques, real-world VR applications, VR Worx
tips, v-commerce and QT rights management, implementing VR with
Shockwave & Flash, and lots more.
The Summit in Sedona is produced by LightSpeedMedia and hosted by the
IQTVRA in Sedona, Arizona, October 25-29, 2004, at the beautiful
Hilton Sedona Resort & Spa.
If you have never been to a Summit, you don't know what you are
missing. The camaraderie and friendships started are the most
memorable moments everyone brings back, in addition to the new
knowledge gained. No one leaves unhappy or unfulfilled.
We would like to thank the following sponsors for their continued
support; Apple Computer, Bogen Imaging, FujiFilm ProNet, iPIX
Infomedia, Kaidan, Panoscan, RealViz, and VR Toolbox.
Go to <http://www.lightspeedmedia.biz> for more info.