Re: Globorama
Willy Kaemena 2008-May-24 18:56:00
Tomorrow Sunday Morning May 25 I will go !! here you can see me
already in "advance" heading to Stuttgart at 186 mph http://homepage.mac.com/wkaemena/FS/DB/ICE3/
and regarding credits.... here the only word:
"Special thanks to: Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics,
Sponsoring: IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH, Obersulm
The project shows image material form the World Wide Panorama Project"
Willy Kaemena
On May 24, 2008, at 19:38, #removed# wrote:
> I wish I were there and could see the exhibit and what it is all
> about. I would
> bring a laptop to compare the web WWP with the Globorama WWP. (Will
> there be
> wireless connectivity there?) Their info says they have text
> capability, but I'm
> wondering if that means all the text on a web page or just titles
> and things
> generated by their software/authors. I wonder what happens to the
> spherical
> panos? Can any user manipulate the pano or just operator for the
> exhibit? How
> are we credited? How is the distortion? Is there any printed
> material given to
> the public, like a brochure or catalog? As I write this, Willy, I
> realize you
> are probably 6 or 7 hours ahead and maybe not reading this until you
> get back.
> I'm so glad you are going and can't wait to hear and see what you
> find.
> --
> Caroling, www.wholeo.net
> ---------------------- Original Message: ---------------------
> From: Willy Kaemena <#removed#>
> > ...
> the exhibition is still tomorrow sunday in Stuttgart and I
> > will FILM.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]