Flash Flood in Death Valley - Survival
John Schwarzell 2004-Aug-23 23:01:00
iQTVRA members: sorry for the cross-posting overlap, but I'd like to get
the story out there...
Hello all, hope life is good for all of you! I have renewed vigor after
an ordeal in Death Valley Sun 8/15/04. A flash flood killed two people
at least and left hundreds stranded or without power and water Sunday,
leaving behind damage that had not been seen in the park in it's 100 yrs
of recorded history. They had a big one in the 70's, but nothing like
this. Over twenty miles of the CA190 are gone or buried or broken, some
of the Furnace Creek Inn adobe was washed away, and other structures
were tossed aside and crushed and buried. Maybe you all have not heard
about the flood, since Charley is eclipsing all the news coverage.
Here's a link to an image of the storm from minutes before the rain and
flood with an in depth story of the night.
It will be followed up shortly with a few images of the damage that I
was able to take before being evacuated.
John Schwarzell
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