World Wide Panorama mailing list archive
Sender:FC | Gmail
Date/Time:2009-Dec-21 08:37:00
Subject:Last pano...

Thread: Last pano... FC | Gmail 2009-Dec-21 08:37:00

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all the list ;o))

My panoramic is up to the server.

Best regard from France

Fran?ois COCHIN
Artiste auteur
Photographie immersive 360?
Illustration ? Print ? Web	Pixlounge, de l'id?e aux pixels?
12, Rue Desrivi?res
F-61100 FLERS-de-L'ORNE

fax:	+33(0) 630 791 044
+33(0) 950 509 265

+33(0) 233 643 975


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