Re: Flash viewer - faster preload?
Yahoo Account 2010-Jan-02 13:35:00
It does this already for spherical panoramas, because it reads the spherical ones (actually, cubics) from a Quicktime container (made by Pano2VR), which has its preview pre-rendered and included.
That should be feasible for cylinders, too, now that I think about it (though it'll need to use a different approach re: the file storage and such, since the krpano engine doesn't "understand" cylinder MOVs by itself yet).
Thanks for the suggestion!
>From: Giorgio Marchetto <#removed#>
>To: #removed#
>Sent: Sat, January 2, 2010 2:24:30 PM
>Subject: Flash viewer - faster preload?
> >
>Hello panofriends
>>I ask if it is possible to fast the WWP flash viewer preload:
>>for example, adding a low resolution panorama track, as in QTVR format.
>>I usually do this in my panoramas (but the viewer is pano2vr).
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