Re: "big map" quirks
Pat Swovelin 2010-Sep-25 03:24:00
On 9-24-2010 3:06 AM, Carl von Einem's hamster got loose on the
keyboard and typed ...:
> Hi,
> I really like to surf the big map with cumulated data from all events.
> Some areas have lots of green and yellow dots which makes exploring a
> bit difficult: zooming shows a grid of 6 by 4 5x5? sections, would it be
> possible to add another zoom level of lets say 3 by 2 sections?
> BTW I know about the Google Earth option.
> In this map view I just found a somehow badly synched thumbnail for my
> "Performing Arts" panorama, it shows the thumbnail of my panorama for
> the "Water" event.
Hey! Stop complaining, that's a feature. Do you have any idea how long
it took to get that working? It's easy to have matching thumbnails,
hell, everybody's got that, but to have them all scrambled up takes a
*lot* of work.
> Clicking on one of the yellow dots sometimes (but not always) leads me
> to the wrong "Panoramas near (lat. ... / long. ..)" page, e.g. the
> overly says that the dot represents my "Isartalbahn" pano and several
> more but the dot actually links to
> <http://worldwidepanorama.org/worldwidepanorama/wwp_all/map/near/47.6_11....>
Thanks for the feedback. We'll look into it and set things right, even
if we have to cripple a feature. =8^)
> Ha, I think I already have a nice panorama for the crossroads event but
> will take my camera with me to the Photokina in Cologne, let's see if
> another nice view turns up there.
> Cheers,
> Carl
Pat Swovelin
Cool Guy @ Large
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