Some server issues, please have patience.
Yahoo Account 2011-Mar-23 06:30:00
Hello WWP list members,
our web hosting provider has some technical issues at the moment, so loggin
might not work (it doesn't just now). I'll quote the message I get when I look
at our server's support page:
"We're currently seeing problems in one of our server racks! This is effecting
mysql connections as well as some problems with some web traffic as well! We're
working on it, and you can keep updated at dreamhoststatus.com as we update
things! Sorry about that! (posted 1 hour 43 mins ago)"
We have an off-site backup of all the wwp data, so no matter what happens, it
won't be lost. Judging from past events, though, I'm rather sure that we'll back
online within a few hours.