Re: Necessity et al
Caroling Geary 2012-Sep-23 20:59:00
OK, am rising to the occasion. Can you verify for me that on iOS devices, Flash panos can't be seen? The Safari on my iPhone 4 cannot do QuickTime panoramas. So do HTML5 panos work? But WWP doesn't support them? So our panos are only seen on Android mobile devices and desktops running Flash?
Caroling - http://wholeo.net
On Sep 23, 2012, at 12:37 PM, Don Bain wrote:
> This is the last day to shoot for the World Wide Panorama equinox event "Necessity" (up to Sunday midnight, your time).
> The prep server will be open for another week for upload and editing. Go to http://contribute.worldwidepanorama.org/gen/ to login, or to create a new account.