The World Wide Panorama - Hasta la Vista
Landis 2004-Mar-17 18:15:00
The event continues to grow, with 189 participants in at least 35
countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, British Virgin
Islands, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Dubai (UAR),
England (UK), Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel,
Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Northern Ireland (UK),
Philippines, Portugal, Reunion (Indian Ocean), Scotland (UK),
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States, Vatican
City, and Venezuela.
At this point the organizers, Don and Landis, must bid you adios, as
we hit the road bound for Mexico. By the time of the panorama shoot
on Saturday we hope to be deep in boojum land, the Desierto Central
of Baja California. We will try to check e-mail from La Paz a few
days later.
Plan on shooting one or more panoramas on Saturday, 20 March. Then
you will have until the end of the month, 31 March, to decide on your
best and prepare the QTVR panorama and its accompanying caption.
Check the web site for recommendations and limits on panorama
dimensions, file sizes, and captioning information.
On Thursday, 1 April, we will announce the url to which you can
upload your contribution. By Monday, 5 April, we will have a
preliminary version of the site available.
For more information:
Visit the web site at http://GeoImages.Berkeley.edu/wwp.html
Join Yahoo Groups and go to http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/wwp/
Don Bain - #removed#
Landis Bennett - #removed#