REMINDER: San Francisco VR meeting, Today @ Triple Rock Brewery
Landis 2004-Apr-23 17:27:00
Just a reminder for anyone in the area that we'll be having an
informal get together tonight. Join us if you can!
Several board members of the IQTVRA including Landis Bennett, Don
Bain, and Michael Quan will be enjoying a cold brew, and we invite
you to join us. Get the latest scoop on IQTVRA activities, and learn
the interesting details about producing the World Wide Pano project.
Or just join us and say Hello!
DATE: 23 April 2004 (TODAY)
TIME: 6:00 pm cocktails, 7:00pm Dinner
Place: Triple Rock Brewery, Berkeley, California
WHO: VR producers/viewers and beer lovers.
Landis Bennett
VP, Director