too late? thanks anyway!
u_paraguru 2004-May-08 14:14:00
Hi, Landis, Hi, Don, Hi Hans, Hi, all "panoramateurs" (this word
sounds good....)
finally I found the right way to convert a spherical pano to cubic
one. (remember, Landis? see below!)
on march 20th, I shooted some panos in Rome, in accord with the
project....and I'd like, finally, to join this fantastic group with
my S.Peter Square. Is it still possible? And now, I'm trying anyway
to build a section of my website with QTVR version of all my panos,
also fullscreen....as soon as possible! hope you like it, Italian
Art needs panos!
On may, 4th, I was invited in Venice (IUAV - University of
Architecture) for a "seminario" - workshop about my work
(www.tolomeus.net) and, in general, about the history of panoramas;
it was a real pleasure to speak about some super-project
(panoramas.dk, the world wide panorama) showing up more than 20 of
yours panos on a big screen. It was, really, a great highlight and
all the students were very impressed, (the teachers, too!) .
In that occasion, we realized a pano-portrait of some students....
ciao a tutti, thanks!!!!!!!