Re: Problem seeing some panos
Bo 2004-Jul-04 15:43:00
I get a broken QTVR ikon on that same panorama. WinXP explore 6.0
QTVR-Pro Enough RAM ;)
--- In #removed#, Landis <#removed#> wrote:
> >Some panos can't be seen at my PC (Win XP, IE6, last version of
QT plugin),
> >for example:
> >
> >http://geoimages.berkeley.edu/wwp604/html/RobertBilsland.html
> >
> >It shows like file is corrupted. Does anybody experience that too
or it is
> >my local problem?
> I don't have that problem, but I seem to recall my Quicktime
> having a problem with that file... Just tried to open it and it
> crashed my QTPlayer.
> I have no idea why. I see it fine on the website.
> Please let me know if there are any others that you (or anyone
else) can't see.
> Robert, you may want to re-make your QTVR files and upload again.
> Please do this ASAP if possible.
> -Landis