Other bridges...
Bostjan Burger 2004-Aug-14 08:51:00
The suggested theme was 'Bridges' ... it is fine. VRp of Guillaume
particularly impressed me, maybe because I was almost a month in
France this summer(building my 'France Landmarks'[
http://www.burger.si/France/F_Index.htm ] geographical project with
addtional 300 QTVR full screens, all handheld... I do hope that I
will find time to stich all of them till the end of year...) and
missed that great bridge even I was just nearby. It interesting that
here in Ljubljana is a bridge which was intended to be a market
(suggestion of Dave)... but there is at least (market bridge) one in
Venice (1.5 hour of drive from my place). In addition, what is
important... the weather will not play such a role as last event...
Does count only human made bridge (viaduct, aqueduct?) or is a
possible choice also a nature made bridge?