Upload and Form
Landis 2004-Sep-23 20:23:00
First of all - special thanks to Kathy Wheeler, a real php-hero.
OK, here's the deal. Upload your ZIP file to the server just as normal.
user: wwpano
pass: bridges
or use this link if your computer is configured for it:
Next, go to http://www.360geographics.com/WWPhp/
Fill out the appropriate information there. Click on the 'Preview'
button at the bottom when you're done to see an example of what your
entry will look like. If this is good, click submit.
This will email me your information and I'll be able to put it into
the database with less chance of errors. This form will also let you
see what your page will look like, so hopefully you won't have to
change it once submitting.
If you need a change after sending this form, please let me know by
email first (#removed#) so that I can give you specific
With that, let the uploading and form-filling fun begin. If you have
any questions please send them to #removed#
1. Upload your files
2. Fill out the form at http://www.360geographics.com/WWPhp/