Re: Help to Decide
Mickael Therer 2004-Sep-28 22:46:00
--- In #removed#, A Y R T O N <#removed#> wrote:
> Hello everybody
> I would like to get some feedback if possible on my bridges...
> I haveshoot three different ones.
> They're not completely ready yet,
> but I wanna work harder on just one.
> Which one do you people prefer.
> I'm from Brazil and this is in Rio de Janeiro.
> Thanks a lot
> www.vrfolio.com/demos/wwp904/barra.mov
> www.vrfolio.com/demos/wwp904/costabrava.mov
> www.vrfolio.com/demos/wwp904/joa.mov
I would take costa brava,
i'm sorry I'm not helping you to choose, all 3 pics are on par now
but it is the one I would keep.
I know the feeling we have 5 more days to decide ;-)