Thanks and Welcome!
landis 2004-Mar-03 23:10:00
Thank you for joining us and welcome to the World Wide Panorama
group/mailing list.
Most of the information about the how, why, and when can be found on
the "official" WWP website at http://geoimages.berkeley.edu/wwp.html.
This group will be used mainly for two things:
1) a mailing list/message board so we can keep information and
queries associated with this project off of the other lists dedicated
to other things and
2) to get a little more information from each of you to help us
Please use this mailing list (#removed#) to ask questions,
make comments, make suggestions, talk about cool ideas associated
with the global pano shoot, and whatever else strikes your fancy in
relation to the World Wide Panorama.
Also, as soon as you get a chance please go to the WWP group website
(http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/wwp) and click on Database on the
left hand side. You'll see a Table called "World Wide Panorama
data". Please click on this and "Add Record" to let us know that
you'll be taking a panorama and some kind of idea where you'll be
doing this. It's completely OK to change your mind later, we'd just
like to have some idea.
On this table we're asking for your name, your company (optional),
your website (optional), and where you'll be shooting. If you only
know the state/province and country right now, that's fine.
One last thing regarding this database/table feature in Yahoo. We've
left the table editable by group members. This means if you change
your mind about where you'll be taking a picture or you type in your
website address wrong you can easily correct it yourself. This also
means that anyone can edit or delete other people's records. Please
be careful and only edit your own. Thanks.
Once again, welcome and thank you for joining us. We look forward to
having a great time and seeing panoramas from all over the world!